Description: A step-by-step guide to help Asian Americans process through their feelings figure out how they want to respond when tragic events happen to and within the community.
Usage Terms:This resource is offered free of charge for individual use and informal groups. If you are part of an institution and would like to use the guide through your organization, please make a donation at the link here.
Audience: Asian Americans
Format: 3 page discussion guide
Description: This is a list of discussion questions for the book Asian American Histories of the United States by Catherine Ceniza Choy (2022). They were originally created for an independent community book club.
Thematic Focus: These discussion questions aim to help participants make meaning of the history they are reading about: inquiring how the history makes the reader feel, how it informs their own Asian American identity, and how it compares or contrasts to their own personal experiences.
Usage Terms: This guide is offered free of charge for individual use and informal groups. If you are part of an established institution and would like to use the guide within your organization, please make a donation at the link here.
Audience: This guide was originally created with an Asian American audience in mind, though would likely to be useful to anyone wanting to counter anti-Blackness.
Format: 1 page handout
Description: This handout presents a framework for an individual to build a plan to counter anti-Blackness in this life and move towards pursuing solidarity.
Usage Terms:This resource is offered free of charge for individual use and informal groups. If you are part of an institution and would like to use the guide through your organization, please make a donation at the link here.
Purpose: Dr. Brené Brown’s research shows that people often lose hope because they set improper goals. By setting better quality goals, this can help us be more effective in the change we seek to create and maintain our sense of hope.
Description: This worksheet breaks down the steps Dr. Brown outlines to create goals that help us maintain hope.
Description: This is a chart that describes the Four Pillar of White Supremacy, adapted from the book I Bring the Voices of My People by Chanequa Walker-Barnes, and includes specific examples that relate to the Asian American experience.
What is “white communication style” and how are the communication styles of racially marginalized groups seen as inferior through the lens of a system of White Supremacy?